Getting to the root of the situation!

The root canal procedure is often the most effective way to save a natural tooth once a cavity/decay, infection or injury has gone too far for a simple repair.

The outer layer of your tooth is made of a hard substance called enamel. This layer is made to withstand chewing forces and the daily activities of your mouth. It also protects the dentin and pulp portion of your teeth that are connected directly to your bloodstream and nourish the tooth.

The layer of enamel, although strong, is by no means indestructible. Once a problem has passed the enamel and entered the dentin and pulp of your tooth, infection often occurs. This can be painful for your tooth and your health can be adversely affected. Root Canal Therapy is the removal of the 'root' where the blood vessels and nerves are found. This stops any further infection from entering the bloodstream as well as removing the source of pain from your mouth. The area or 'canal' is then filled and the tooth is repaired with a crown.

This allows you to keep your natural tooth as the place holder in your mouth rather than needing an implant, bridge or other false tooth. Root Canal Therapy may be the solution for removing that aching in your smile.


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